Tuesday 8 January 2013

1st Editorial Page in ECAD News April 2012

1st Editorial Page in ECAD News Volume 1 Number 1 April 2012

 During the general meeting of the 45th Biennial ECAD Convention 2011, Myles Murphy pointed at me, asking if I would be interested in being the editor of ECAD Newsletter, and promptly, I responded, “Yes! I would love to.” The members attending voted to have an editor. Once again, I want to thank the members for putting trust in me. I strongly believe that we keep the commitments as expected by the members at the meeting. So here is the publication of ECAD News. Stories told in ASL or MSL should be written down so they will always stay known in the Deaf Community as a part of our history. In some cases, some past stories told in ASL or MSL are unfortunately forgotten; they are nothing to share with Deaf people in the future. The stories from the past are definitely worth knowing or remembering.

Even though I know there were other kinds of publications (Atlantic Silent News?) done by other Deaf persons like Robert Tupper, this may be the first publication of ECAD News. Since there has been presently no publication about the Deaf in the Atlantic Provinces, we feel it is important that we keep up with something written about ECAD, its past, and its social events. Not only the events of ECAD, but the ECAD News should include stories and announcements about various events happening in the Deaf Communities in the Atlantic Provinces. The main intention for the publication is targeted toward historic purposes.

ECAD News, why pick the title? After suggesting other titles for the ECAD Newsletter to the ECAD board, I did not think they were perfect choices. Eventually, I liked the titles such as ASL-OAD News, Alberta Deaf News so since we are a part of Eastern Canada Association of the Deaf, I think the ECAD News is a suitable choice.

I would like to see a Deaf member of any Deaf organization from each province: Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick volunteer writing and gathering information and emailing me the information and photos to be posted in the newsletter issue. I need YOU to be a part of contributors to the ECAD News. If you prefer a videotape story, please send me that, too, and we will try to make it work on the videotape online. I know many Deaf people enjoy watching videotapes. We all are a part of the Deaf Community. For example, I’d like to receive stories from:

- Deaf local bowling league from each local city

- Deaf women Club from each local city

- Deaf Clubs (Fredericton Association of the Deaf, Halifax Association of the Deaf, Saint John Association of the Deaf, Moncton Association of the Deaf

- Deaf Sports Association Nova Scotia

- Deaf Dart Clubs

- Others related to the Deaf Community

I would also like stories you want to share with us. Please contact me to let me know who wants to be a part of contributing team. Thanks to the volunteers who have sent me the stories. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Kindly send me stories / articles and a few photos at my email address: kblaw@nbnet.nb.ca for the next issue (summer) of ECAD News. I will try my best to have each issue of the newsletter ready early for the publication in April, August, and December (3 issues yearly). Please write the stories and send them to me or contact me to write them for you through Skype or Videophone shortly after every event you have been involved in. The deadline for each issue is the first week of three months: April, August, and December.

Every one of you, enjoy the blessings of wonderful spring and summer nature and activities.

Thank you,

Kathern G. Lawrence

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